From Side Hustle to CEO

Last week Alisa, BWB's Social Media Strategist, asked me how I've evolved as an entrepreneur. I mentioned it briefly to her, but she wanted to hear more. I figured if my story was helpful to her, it might be helpful to you too.

The Side Hustle
While I was in college at the University of Kentucky, I choreographed for state high schools to help pay my rent. I got really good at it. I landed my first job in 2014 right after graduation at a dance choreography business as a full-time choreographer and sales person. I stayed at that first job for a couple of months, but after I became an NBA dancer I moved closer to DC and got a full-time job in sales. About a year later, I obtained an LLC and choreographed for extra income while I worked full-time.

I Quit My Office Job
Not long after I started working full-time in sales and marketing, I knew I wanted to work for myself. I learned so much about sales, marketing, and events during the 3 years I worked in an office. After several failed attempts, I finally quit my office job in January 2017. By the time I quit my marketing job, I had several sources of income including Powerhouse Danceworks, dancing for the NBA, and teaching group fitness.

Babes with Brands was Born
Babes with Brands was born in April 2018. I was feeling pretty broke and lonely as a new entrepreneur so I wanted a place where other women brand owners, content creators, and entrepreneurs could share their experiences. I was presented with the opportunity to host a happy hour at a new spot in DC, and jumped on it. That's how Babes with Brands was born.

P-I-V-O-T 2020
From 2017-2020 I was running Babes with Brands events, choreographing with Powerhouse Danceworks, teaching barre at Flywheel Sports, dancing for the Washington Wizards, and coordinating weddings on the side. If it sounds like a lot, it's because it was! Due to COVID-19, I was let go from my group fitness job, events were shut down, the NBA season was paused, and schools were not having contractors or any extra curricular activities. That's when I had to pivot, similar to so many businesses in 2020.

Digital is EVERYTHING! I am so thankful for the internet, wifi, and the ability to connect with an unlimited number of women entrepreneurs around the world. Babes with Brands started out as a networking event business and is now a digital education and service platform. Babes with Brands currently helps women grow and scale their business's on Instagram. We will continue to grow and evolve based on what our community needs and what works best.

My first business Powerhouse Danceworks has evolved so beautifully! The main part of the business is now called MCG (or @misschristiegirl/ Move Challenge Grow) after my personal platform. MCG empowers women to feel strong and confident through movement. MCG streams live and on-demand home workouts and dance classes 6 days per week. I still provide choreography services, but now focus more on pro dance training development programs.

I hope sharing my story helps new entrepreneurs know that you don't have to have it figured out on day one or day 1,000. (I was throwing spaghetti at a wall for so long until I invested in coaching programs and developed a strategy.) You just need to put action behind your desires. Every little action in your business adds up. Done is better than perfect. I don't have it figured out, but I am inspired to keep going.

If you would like to work with me 1:1 or are interested in account management services, please reply to this email. I'd love to help you grow your dream business.

All my best,



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