The Truth Behind Consistency

We hear the word "consistency" being thrown around a lot. Especially in the social media/ entrepreneurship world, we are told on a daily basis that we won’t see results unless we are consistent. I believe that consistency flows when we remember why we started this journey in the first place. Because there will be lots of setbacks, hiccups, and "I just fell completely flat on my face" moments in entrepreneurship, and those rough days can easily deter you from showing up for yourself, and also for your business.

Unfortunately, consistency is also not the most glamorous word, because it’s rooted in discipline. It is birthed out of a genuine and insatiable desire to bring this vision that has been planted deep in your soul to life; because when you are clear on your purpose and vision, you will not allow a bad day to stop you from changing this world with your many gifts and talents.

So, how do we lean into our vision and our why, on days or weeks where it’s more challenging to show up whole heartedly. Some of you may be experiencing a lack of inspiration, some family issues, or maybe you are going through a major transitional season in your life and you are slowly losing some of that progress on your goals.

Well, no worries babe, we are going to help you get back on track by building consistency back into your routine, and making sure that we are giving ourselves lots of love and compassion along the way. Here are three tips that I hope will help you lean into the practice of taking one step each day to build your business, even when you don’t feel like it.

1.Life Happens: Life is filled with twists, turns, and upsets. Some of us may be dealing with grief, heartache, or physical pain, and these obstacles can play a major role in affecting how we pour into our business. At the end of the day, you cannot pour from an empty cup, so before you start tackling those goals again, make sure that you are creating a plan for your healing first. That plan could be rooted in therapy, prayer, support groups, or by changing up your environment. Whatever it is, make sure that you are taking care of yourself first!

2. Get Inspired: Sometimes it’s harder to be consistent because you haven’t carved out time for rest or play. When I am low on ideas or motivation, I make sure to do something that brings me pure joy outside of my business, and this excitement for life helps realign me with my goals, and give me new ideas for the future.

3. Practice Gratitude: In the age of social media it is so easy to compare yourself to other people. We have a saying here at Babes with Brands that reminds women that "My day 1 looks different than her day 100." We are all on our own unique journey’s, and when we compare our growth to other people’s, we are taking away all of the greatness that comes from our success! When you are grateful for every client, every breath, and every opportunity to live this beautiful and sometimes
scary adventure called life, it’s easier to show up consistently.

We would love to know what tip above resonates with you the most! Shoot us an email or a DM us on Instagram and let us know!

And lastly, let’s be consistent this week babe, you got this!

With love,

Babes with Brands
Social Media Strategist

Alisa Vasquez
Alisa Vasquez is a storyteller, writer, and producer, who uses dynamic communication strategies to help female entrepreneurs build community and grow their business.

When the Journey Gets Exhausting